Trading or betting on sport games like football, cricket, horse riding etc, has its beginning from centuries. A bet is a form of gamble wherein one person or people make bet with money or something of material value against another for the final outcome of an event.
Betting on football is a big industry in Britain ufabet เว็บตรงทางเข้า. Called ‘foot ball pools’, it is based on the prediction of the outcome of top level football matches around the world. The betting is done on football teams like Manchester United, Arsenal and other football teams of the like.
Now I would like to explain to you in brief, how football betting or football pools work. Competitors are given a list of football matches which are set to take place over the coming week. They then attempt to pick a line of eight of them who are predicted to win. These results could be worth more and more by the scoring scheme. This is done traditionally by crossing specific boxes of a printed coupon.
Entry – Entries were once upon a time entered by post or via members of the public, acting as Agents or Collectors. Collectors were people, who walked a door to door route; who went about delivering forms and cash to a central office. Legally these people were the agents of the people who were entered. Nowadays applications via the internet are also being accepted.
The business for the collectors, are drummed up by ‘canvassing’ wherein a team of agents knocked on the doors in an area of a town or housing estate.
Scoring – The scoring schemes had varied over the years. The current pool of “Treble Chance” used a scoring scheme that awards three points to score draws, two points to no-score draws and then one point to both home wins and away wins.
The total score from each line would be calculated unto a maximum of 24 points. The highest scoring line, achieved by any player in that week’s competition would be declared to be worth the top dividend, with a major proportion of the prize pool being awarded to the players responsible for submitting the highest-scoring lines.
Results – The results are published in major newspaper, splashed on television shows and radio shows and nowadays published online.
Winnings – A fraction of a penny is charged for each line entered. Though players, often had the option to play each line at a different higher stake and thus receive a higher share of the pool should their line, prove a winner. Accordingly players would usually submit different lines in a single entry.